The Amatory Garden

Connecting #Sexuality, #Eroticism, #Bees, and other curious things.

Coming, January 2022.


Rose Caraway

Rose Caraway is a native Northern California writer, editor, audiobook narrator, publisher, and podcaster for the #1 Erotica show in iTunes, The Kiss Me Quick’s Erotica Podcast. She freely celebrates and cultivates eroticism with her Lurid Listeners of the KMQ.

Rose’s writings prominently show her commitment to both feminism and masculinism. She believes that people of all genders and orientations should be considered complementary and interdependent and are necessary for a genuinely healthy and functional society.

Rose’s other passions revolve around her soul mate and co-host, Big Daddy—Dayv Caraway. She’s also studying to earn her Master Beekeeper certification.
